Hello all. In case you haven't heard, I no longer update this blog. Like, ever. My operations have moved to the brand spankin' new (at least it was new in January) blog and webcomic Creative Anomalies (or http://www.creativeanomalies.com for those browsers challenged by links). Please feel free to drop by, leave a comment, or send me hate mail. Except for the hate mail. I'd really appreciate just comments and satisfied email.
You can find the blog portion at Creatively Anomalous (again, http://www.creativeanomalies.com/blog). There I write about lots of things, though mostly RPGs of late. You can find prose and poetry, photography, and random rantings there. In short, it is my primary web home. I also have a tech blog, Confessions of a Tech Junkie (http://www.techconfessions.tumblr.com), but it is a bit less...I dunno...exciting? Still, you should check it out.
All the best, dear readers,